Month: July 2011

Testing the waters

In the coming weeks, I’ll be testing the live streaming waters to see what works and what doesn’t work. While I know you will expect (or at least hope) for a stable service, that’s probably not going to happen at first. I’ll be hand picking certain social broadcasters to be a part of this Beta launch. From there, I’ll work on stability and growth of the services.

That being said, please understand that I do not have big investors backing this project. In fact, majority of the money for this project is out of my own pocket. So, please take that into consideration as you use Vaughn Live (be it to watch or to broadcast.)

There will be certain limitations starting out, such as max bitrate you can use to broadcast. This is a social broadcast site, you don’t need to push 2Mbps to show yourself sit in front of the camera. But, like everything else, this could change.

I also want to make clear that tv shows, movies and the like are not welcome here. Vaughn Live is a social broadcast site for people, not a pirate TV network. If you do attempt to broadcast copyright/illegal content, you will most likely be shut down by the Copyright holder/Authorities, not Vaughn Live.

And finally, nobody under 18 years of age is allowed to broadcast. No exceptions. While you must be at least 18 years of age to broadcast, please note that nudity is not allowed on Vaughn Live. Do not come here thinking you can flash your giblets and watermelons, because you will be banned.

With all of that said, I would like to thank everyone that messaged me daily for the last few months asking for this service. It was the motivation I needed to finally pull the trigger on this project. I hope it is able to grow as a service and that we can grow as a bigger and stronger community together.

– Mark Vaughn