Channel Commands

/bans = to see who is banned from your channel
/ban <username> = to ban someone who is or isn’t present in the channel mod
/unban <username> = to unban someone who is or isn’t present in the channel mod
/unbanall = will allow the caster to unban everyone in your channel at one time
/clear = clears the chat for everyone mod
/mods = shows you who has moderator status in your channel
/mod <username> = to mod a user in your channel
/unmod <username> = to unmod a user in your channel
/unmodall = will allow the caster to unmod everyone in their channel who has moderator status
!gamesoff = stops games in the channel
!gameson = allows games in the channel
!silence = shuts the vaughn bot off
!unsilence = wakes the vaughn bot up
!notice = to turn chat notices on
!noticeoff = to turn chat notices off
!modascii = Prevent ascii characters from being posted in chat.
!modlinks = allows caster and mods to post links
!modlinksoff = allows everyone to post links
!modcaps = Automatically timeout users that type in ALL CAPS. You can adjust the threshold between 1 and 100.
!modcapsoff = Disables !modcaps
!allow <username> = allows that one user thirty seconds to post a link mod
/mute <username> = mutes that one user for five minutes mod
/unmute <username> = unmutes that one user mod
/me <input> = make your text bold in chat (all users can do this)
/random = will pick a random signed in user. Only channel owner and mods can use.
/slowon = turns on slow mode for chat
/slowoff = turns off slow mode for chat
!status = Show your current status message.
!uptime = Shows the lenght of time you have been live on the cueernt broadcast
!viewers = Shows the curent number of people viewing a channel